I am a passionate music educator, researcher, advocate, and leader, constantly exploring emerging trends in learning and teaching practice in music education, digital technology, the arts, curriculum, teaching and learning, and beyond. I am focused on developing purposeful learning experiences that assist teachers and learners in enhancing their understanding of the things that drive us to do what we do in our lives every day including areas related to:-
motivation, self-belief, self-regulation, and goal setting,
technology-based learning (including online learning),
collaboration and problem-solving,
strategic thinking, design, and application,
designing and implementing research,
developing evidence-based practice,
artistic performance and creativity,
creative, purposeful leadership,
innovative curriculum design and implementation.
I have extensive leadership experience and many years of teaching in various secondary and tertiary settings. As an author, presenter, researcher, consultant, performer, and learner, I continue to be in demand as a presenter, facilitator, researcher, and consultant in many educational settings and locations, working with both staff and students to inspire them to achieve their best in all they undertake.
Currently employed as a Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Education at the University of Melbourne, I have spent many years in educational research and teaching, having been involved in leading many teams and colleagues, I continue to refine and share my experience in these areas.
I am fascinated to understand the things that drive humans in all that they do in our lives, with a particular interest in how motivation, the arts, and our sense of self contribute to our well-being. Education is pivotal in our lives and continues to change daily. We have the responsibility to alter practice and pedagogy to accommodate the ever-changing needs of the students in all settings. This is a necessity to ensure that teachers are able to adapt and change their practice in the 21st century.
One of my latest ventures looks to explore approaches to teaching online in a podcast series where we are looking to share creative approaches to teaching. and
